Packing & Packers

Packing & Packers

What is a Packer?

A packer - also called a ‘prosthetic’- is any object (sock, silicone, or otherwise) that allows anyone of any gender to ‘sport a package’. At, we carry a number of different packers in different colours and materials that are explicitly made for this purpose.

How to Choose a Packer

One big thing to consider when choosing a packer is the material it’s made from. We carry packers made with silicone and with cyberskin. There are pros and cons to both materials – read on for more details!

Silicone is non-porous, easy to clean, and durable. If you find that you sometimes have reactions to some materials, we recommend trying out a silicone packer. Silicone also stands up better to chlorine than porous materials like cyberskin- a good thing to keep in mind if you’re planning on frequenting the neighbourhood pool. Silicone is easy to keep clean - simply wash your silicone packer with mild soap and water after each use, and allow it to air dry. If you’d like to sanitize your packer, you can boil it for a few minutes. Many of the packers we carry are made with silicone - including companies like New York Toy Collective, Vixen, and Form Function.

Elastomers are porous, and will last a few years depending on how well it is cared for. However, elastomer packers are cheaper, meaning that you don’t have to commit a lot financially to purchasing a packer! Elastomer materials are made from a blend of silicone and mineral oil. As a result, you can clean it with soap & water, however, it’s not as easy to keep clean as silicone. For this reason, we don’t recommend sharing these products. You may wish to lightly dust your elastomer products with corn starch to restore their velvety finish (and only after they’re completely dry!).

Also! Don't forget to consider sizing! Packers may seem small on your computer screen, but they appear bigger once you’re packing! Our packers range in size from extra-small to large. Choosing a size that works well for you is really a matter of personal preference, with a little bit of trial and error added into the mix. Some people might want to consider their general height and stature as a starting point. For example, someone who is six feet tall might choose a larger packer than someone who is five feet tall. Height and stature aren’t always an indicator of packer size, but keeping these things in mind may help you choose a size that’s comfortable, especially if this is your first time packing. However, don’t forget to go with your gut and honour it by getting what appeals to you! One of the benefits of exploring gear like this is that you get to choose what kind of package you want!

How to Wear a Packer

If you’re new to packing, it’s a good idea to get used to your package in a safe and comfortable location, before venturing out into public. Consider the length of time you plan on packing over the course of a day, and try it out in private! Stand, sit, bend down, jump around, lie on the couch, and see how everything moves and feels.

Packers can be tucked into snug underwear, or, placed into a sock and safety-pinned to pants or underwear, if you want to try packing without spending cash on specific packing straps. However, we also offer underwear-style harnesses, packing straps, and packing pouches. For more information about how to wear a packer, check out our article, “All About Packing Straps, Harnesses, and Pouches!”

Care and Cleaning

Clean your packer regularly with mild soap and water. If your packer is made of silicone, you can boil it for a few minutes in order to help sanitize it. Make sure to let your packer air dry thoroughly after washing. If your packer is made of cyberskin, you can dust it with cornstarch after it’s completely dry in order to help it retain a soft, silky feeling.

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