Holiday Schedule

One *really big* thing that we’ve decided to do to take care of ourselves & rest this holiday season is to take some time off.

As a small business, it’s always hard to figure out how to ensure everyone can get the time they need to recharge. So, we’re trying a radical, never-before-done approach this year: we’re shutting down our shipping department between Christmas and New Year’s. We'll be back & shipping orders starting January 2nd.

While this sounds like quite a swath of time, there are only three days in this time period where Canada Post would be open & accept parcels. So, perhaps a better way of telling this story would be to say that we’re taking three days off??!

For us, this momentous occasion is a huge cause for celebration: we’re busy chatting about the epic meals we plan on taking all day to make, the people we look forward to spending time with, and, the obligatory tasks we *totally 100%* plan on getting done (spoiler alert: they likely won’t get done).

Further, we hope to take some time to talk about 2019: what our hopes, dreams, and plans are for this beautiful little co-op that has survived & thrived for over 20 years. In fact, if you have anything you’d like to contribute – suggestions for resources or products or features we could offer that would make your life easier or happier or more pleasurable or more resourced – please let us know! We’d love to hear from you, and, we’d really love your input into our future planning.